Senin, 29 November 2010


Komputer Terbaru 2010; Komputer Terkecil di Dunia 2010

Komputer terbaru 2010 ternyata semakin canggih dan berkualitas, mulai dari bentuk yang lebih fleksibel dan mewah, bahkan bentuk yang unik dan terkecil di dunia.Berikut Informasi teknologi gadget komputer terbaru 2010.

Komputer Terbaru 2010; Komputer Terkecil di Dunia 2010
PsiXpda adalah pocket computer [komputer saku] model terbaru. Dirancang dengan desain yang ramping dan mewah, bentuk fleksibel penuh gayadengan kualitas tinggi dan lebih kuat.
PC ini menawarkan fungsionalitas penting, portabilitas dan ketersediaan yang diperlukan. Model Ultra Mobile Pocket Computer (UMPC) yang sekali buka ke atas.
PsiXpda dibentuk dengan spesifikasi tinggi, merupakan salah satu Pocket Komputer teringan dan terkecil di dunia. PsiXpda mempunyai kinerja tinggi yang luar biasa, desain indah fully loaded dengan Microsoft Windows XP untuk bisnis dan hiburan di perjalanan kamu, berarti kamu tidak perlu meninggalkan bisnis atau kerjaan di kantor kamu, karena Komputer saku ini bisa di bawa di kantong kamu.
Komputer Terbaru 2010; Komputer Terkecil di Dunia 2010
“WebStation Android tablet 7-inci Pertama di dunia”
versi 1.5, browser dan software
- Ukuran 200 x 120 x 14.5mm, tablet sekitar 7-inci
- Bobot 390g
- LCD dengan 800 x 480 satu-sentuhan handset Android.
- WWAN built-in koneksi jaringan 802.11b / g WiFi atau koneksi 3G
- Modem USB eksternal.
- Spesifikasi lain Marvell PXA303 processor (624MHz), 128MB RAM,
- built-in 256MB flash memory, microSD slot (sampai 16GB), port USB / USB host, built-in GPS, accelerometer,
- Mikrofon dan speaker. Non-powered kamera.
- US $ 399
Komputer Terbaru 2010; Komputer Terkecil di Dunia 2010
“Fujitsu LifeBook UH900 multi-touch PC Terkecil di dunia
Overseas Fujitsu LifeBook U / LOOX U serangkaian model-model terbaru, mengeluarkan LifeBook UH900. Windows 7 multi-touch dengan fitur layar sentuh.
- 5.6 inch layar WXGA
- Prosesor Atom Z530
- 62GB SSD
- built-in Bluetooth / WiFi / 3.5G WWAN
- Webcam dan stereo mikrofon. “Long ukuran dompet”
- Ukuran 10.65cm x 20.4cm x 2.38cm
- Bobot 500g.
Bentuk lebih tipis dan ringan dari sebelumnya. UH900 mempunyai beraneka warna Mocha Black, Fiery Red dan Vintage Gold.
Komputer terbaru 2010 yang akan segera hadir melengkapi bisnis dan hoby2 kamu, dengan bentuk yang unik dan semakin canggih. gadget 2010 tercanggih dan terkecil di dunia.
Semoga Informasi teknologi terbaru ini bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan buat kamu. Kalo kamu tertarik dengan komputer terbaru 2010 tersebut, kamu musti merogoh kantong kamu dalam2. heheee..  :-B  capedeh

NetBook Lebih Baik dari iPad ?

Info teknologi Komputer kali ini akan membahas sebuah pilihan yang cukup sulit bagi teman-teman semua yaitu Netbook lebih baik dari iPad ?. Sebuah tablet produksi dari Apple dikatakan merupakan revolusioner dalam gadget teknologi ini.Namun, ada sebuah survei yang mengatakan bahwa ternyata user lebih memilih netbook atau laptop biasa daripada iPad.

Sebuah survei dari perusahaan riset pasar, NPD mengatakan bahwa sekitar 51% responden mengaku lebih memilih netbook daripada Apple iPad. Bahkan dari konsumen apple sendiri lebih memilih untuk memaki produk seperti macbook daripada iPad.
Pelanggan potensial iPad melihat perangkat ini lebih sebagai perangkat elektronik atau lebih pada kemampuan akses internetnya. Dengan melihat apa yang orang rencanakan untuk penggunaan iPad, tidak sulit memahami mengapa orang yang menemukan kapasitas serupa pada perangkat lain seperti iPod Touch,netbook, notebook, tidak ingin mengeluarkan uang US $500 atau lebih untuk perangkat serupa," kata Stephen Baker, Vice President of Industri di NPD.
Nah, Artikel komputer ini saya posting untuk mengetahui pendapat dari teman-teman sekalian apakah bener lebih bagus memilih netbook dan semacamnya daripada iPad ?

Scythe Kama Cabinet

gambar gadget
Setelah sekian lama tidak memposting artikel di Info Teknologi komputer ini karena kesibukan dalam mengatur berbagai hal. Kali ini saya akan posting sebuah artikel komputer yang mengenalkan sebuah gadget yang mayan unik, yaitu Schyte Kama Cabinet. Gadget ini merupakan tempat untuk meletakkan CD tetapi menggunakan tempat kosong di PC kita. Mari kita lihat deskripsi Gadget tersebut.

Coba kalian perhatian kembali PC case yang anda gunakan. Hitung ada berapa banyak drive bay yang masih tidak termanfaat. Ini Schyte menyadari hal tersebut dan menawarkan produk yang bernama Schyte Kama Cabinet Gadget ini memanfaatkan slot drive bay 5.25 inci yang tersisa, dan menyulapnya menjadi sebuah laci kecil penyimpan serba guna yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penggunanya. Laci kecil ini dapat menyimpan 16 keping CD atau DVD. Tentunya, Penggunanya juga bisa digunakan untuk menyimpan benda lainnya seperti USB flash disk, memory card reader ataupun perangkat lain yang tersebar rapi disekitar meja kerja komputer anda.
Schyte Kama Cabinet ini tersedia 4 pilihan warna dan material, untuk menyesuaikan dengan bagian depan pc case yang anda gunakan. Mulai dari warna hitam dan perak dengan bahan aluminium dan warna hitam dan perak dari bahan plastik.
Semoga postingan Info Teknologi Komputer kali ini dapat menambah wawasan pengetahuan anda tentang gadget yang ada di dunia ini.

Macally PowerGo

macally powergo
Nah, setelah sekalian lama tidak posting karena kesibukan kuliah. Kali ini Info Teknologi Komputer akan membahas sebuah gadget yang cukup praktik bagi teman-teman sekalian. Produk yang satu ini , oleh produsennya emang digunakan untuk sebagai perangkat charger untuk iPhone. Produk ini dimanfaatkan untuk port USB, mini-B USB, dan micro USB untuk fungsi charge. Macally PowerGo ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perangkat gadget lain untuk charge dengan port tersebut.

Produk ini mempunyai 3 fungsi yang sangat praktik san efisien bagi para pengguna gadget dalam charging batere di mana saja. Fungsi pertama, dalam mencharge batere memanfaatkan power outlet AC yang tersedia di mana pun tersedia colokan listrik. Fungsi kedua adalah melakukan proses recharge memanfaatkan cigarette lighter plug yang hampir tersedia di setiap mobil, dengan DC adapter yang tersedia di dalam paket penjualannya.
Fungsi terakhirnya adalah dilengkapi batere lithium Polymer terintegrasi dengan kapasitas 1000mAh. Kapasitas sebesar ini mungkin tidak dalam memastikan proses charge gadget nya menjadi penuh tapi setidaknya dapat tetap dapat digunakan meskipun tidak tersedian catuan daya listrik lainnya.

Misa Digital Guitar

misa digital guitar
Hobi main gitar ? tapi selalu ada masalah seperti kuku sobek atau patah, ataupun jari tergores karena senar gitar. Bagi para gitaris hal begini sering sekali terjadi, namun tidak menjadi masalah bagi mereka karena saking hobinya akan musik dengan gitar. Nah, postingan kali ini Info Teknologi Komputer akan memberi sebuah alternatif bagi para gitaris untuk terbebas dari masalah yang saya sebutkan di atas yaitu Misa Digital Guitar.

Sebuah perusahaan yang berpusat di Sydney, Australia belum lama ini mengumumkan sebuah produk menarik mereka yang khusus di design untuk para gitaris yang sering mengalami masalah yang saya sebut di atas. Produk ini diberi nama Misa Digital Guitar.
Sebuah Gitar yang tidak bersenar ini dapat dimainkan dan menghasilkan bunyi yang layaknya gitar listrik dengan efek suara. Dengan tujuan menggantikan fungsi senar, Misa Digital Guitar menggunakan touch screen control. Cukup dengan mengerakkan jari-jari kita layaknya gitar biasa dan memilih kombinasi kunci nada pada grip, alunan suara layaknya gitar listrik dan efek suara dapat dihasilkan oleh Misa Digital Guitar ini.
Tentu saja dibutuhkan adaptasi dalam menggunakan gitar digital ini. Namun bisa jadi, Misa Digital Guitar ini menjadi sebuah alternatif yang akan digemari khususnya oleh generasi sekarang maupun mendatang, terlebih yang sudah familiar dengan game yang namanya Guitar Hero. Makin mantap dah gadget jaman sekarang ini.

Alat mata-mata

# Camera Technical Parameter

●Video compression : AVI video format,600*480 ●Flask disk: 4 Gb ●Voice recording: Yes ●Internal memory: Yes ●Video file size; >500KB per min ●Recording mode :continuous recording until memory is full or manually off ●Adaptor type: USB adaptor charging cable ●Battery type : Lithium-ion ●Record time : up to 5h ●Battery use time : about 3h

# GPS sebagai alat mata-mata, GPS Holux M-1000C sebagai mata ketiga kita 9 Januari 2009

Diarsipkan di bawah: GPS — mantugaul @ 9:58 am
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holux_m1000cSebelum Anda salah paham dengan judul diatas, mata-mata disini bersifat offline, artinya seperti blackbox pesawat (harus diambil kembali), tidak bisa melacak realtime namun hanya merekam track saja (suara gak bisa yah)…dimana nantinya hasil perekaman tracklog nantinya baru diolah/ditampilkan di komputer…
Apa saja Anda butuhkan untuk merekam perjalanan teman? (Ingat, saya sebut teman bukan orang), artinya yang Anda rekam adalah jejak perjalanan orang yang Anda kenal, misal suami/istri, anak/orang tua, teman/sahabat…Mengapa? Karena Anda harus mengambil kembali “blackbox” tersebut :) Kalo rekam orang lain, bisa-bisa kiss goodbye deh sama “blackbox” Anda :)
1. GPS Bluetooth berdatalogger, Holux M1000c adalah perangkat yang saya gunakan sebagai Blackbox saya
2. Teman/saudara yang ingin dimata-matai
3. Kreativitas :)
Berikut foto-foto Dataloggernya:
The "Blackbox" Bluetooth GPS Datalogger Holux M1000c :)
Tampak Belakang
Tampak Belakang
Ketebalan vs Nokia E90
Ketebalan vs Nokia E90
Batere Nokia masuk loh BL-5CA
Batere Nokia masuk loh BL-5CA
Bagian Dalam
Bagian Dalam
Berikut contoh-contoh penempatan datalogger:
Mau mata-matain di motor bisa taruh disini
Mau mata-matain di motor bisa taruh disini
Lalu ditutupin banyak-banyak barang :)
Atau bisa ditaruh di bagian tersembunyi, ayo tebak dimana logger kita?
Atau bisa ditaruh di bagian tersembunyi, ayo tebak dimana logger kita?
Lagi, Dimanakah logger kita? :)
Taruh di laci dashboard
Taruh di laci dashboard
Taruh dibawah jok
Taruh dibawah jok
Ooops ketauan deh
Ooops ketauan deh
Di bagasi belakang mobil kita, harus agak kreatif menyembunyikan holuxnya :)
Selanjutnya Anda cukup duduk manis di rumah menanti kepulangan Holux Anda :)
Kemudian installkan program HOLUX ezTour yang disertakan di paket Holux M-1000c kemudian tancap kabel mini USB dan otomatis driver akan instal.

# Kamera tersembunyi dalam Remote mobil

kamera tersembunyi
kamera tersembunyi
Inovasi Baru Alat Mata-Mata
Ingin mengawasi seseorang tanpa diketahui?
Gunakan alat mata-mata model remote mobil atau gantungan kunci ini. Remote mobil ini sebenarnya adalah kamera tersembunyi sehingga sangat bagus bila dijadikan sebagai kamuflase dari fungsi asli alat ini. Jadi tidak akan ada yang tahu Anda sedang melakukan pengintaian terhadap seseorang yang Anda curigai, atau apabila Anda sedang mengumpulkan bukti transaksi.
Alat mata-mata ini tidak menyala lampu indikatornya saat merekam, sehingga benar-benar sempurna sebagai kamera tersembunyi. Video yang dihasilkanpun lebih mulus alias tidak putus-putus karena frame per second nya 30+-1 fps. Dengan resolusi 720×480, membuat hasilnya tidak pecah jika Anda lihat secara fullscreen di layar monitor. Suara yang dihasilkanpun lebih jelas dengan kualitas wav yang bagus.
Dilengkapi dengan memory eksternal berupa microSD yang berkapasitas 4GB (sudah termasuk dalam paket). Karena memorynya eksternal, maka hasilnya bukan hanya dapat Anda lihat di komputer saja tetapi juga dapat Anda lihat melalui HP atau PDA.
Memory eksternal yang bisa dilepas juga memberikan keuntungan bagi Anda karena jika memorynya rusak bisa diganti. Proses loading nya lebih cepat sehingga dapat dipergunakan secara mendadak atau suprise moment. Jadi  Anda jangan khawatir kehilangan moment tersebut. Waktu loading yang lebih cepat ini membuat spy remote juga tidak mudah error. Dilengkapi dengan tombol yang kokoh sehingga tidak gampang ambles sehingga kecil kemungkinan terjadi pemencetan berulang yang bisa menyebabkan error.
Isi paket berupa satu unit kamera tersembunyi, panduan, video demo, satu buah charger
Harga kamera tersembunyi Rp 850.000

# Kacamata Video – Merekam Video dengan Kacamata

Merekam dengan Kacamata Video

spy sunglass
spy sunglasses
Entah Anda sedang berada di pantai, melihat pemandangan yang indah atau sedang menyetir mobil, biking/bersepeda atau mengendarai motor, apapun yang Anda lihat bisa Anda rekam langsung dari kacamata video.
Hands free recording, Anda bisa merekam sambil tangan Anda melakukan hal yang lain.
Kacamata video dengan lensa polarisasi ini mempunyai kamera 1.3 megapixel dengan frame per second 30 fps, menghasilkan hasil rekaman video lancar tanpa putus-putus. Dengan memory 2gb yang bisa juga difungsikan sebagai flashdisk untuk membawa data Anda ke mana saja. Memory masih bisa ditambah dengan micro SD.
Cocok untuk merekam saat menyetir mobil, biking/bersepeda, mengendarai motor, tennis, menghadiri acara olahraga, ke pantai, berlibur, atau jika Anda seorang polisi, investigator atau detektif swasta.
spy camera
spy camera
Kacamata kamera ini bisa merekam sendiri tanpa harus dipegangi sehingga bisa ditaruh begitu saja untuk merekam kejadian di depannya.
Hasil rekaman videonya pun cukup bagus, dengan resolusi 640×480 atau setara dengan kualitas DVD.
Lalu dimana kameranya? tepat di tengah kacamata (lihat gambar).
Dilengkapi MP3 player dengan Kualitas Suara Mantap
Kacamata video ini juga bisa memutar lagu dari MP3. Jadi Anda bisa mendengarkan lagu sambil memonitor seseorang :)
kacamata kamera
spy sunglasses
Memorinya bisa menyimpan ratusan lagu MP3 untuk diputar kapan saja. Asyik bukan?
Harga kacamata kamera Rp. 1.150.000

# Jam Tangan Kamera – Kamera Tersembunyi yang Bisa Dipakai Bergaya

Pernah menyaksikan aksi agen rahasia di film James Bond? Setiap sekuel filmnya, para agen menggunakan perangkat canggih untuk membantu melakukan misi rahasia. Salah satunya adalah menggunakan jam tangan kamera.
Meskipun seperti halnya pen camera, jam tangan kamera seperti itu bukanlah hal yang baru. Tetapi jam kamera ini semakin menarik dengan munculnya tipe terbaru. Jika sebelumnya gadget ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk memotret dan merekam video saja. Beda lagi dengan tipe baru ini yang jauh lebih sempurna. Selain bisa merekam video dan memotret, tipe terbaru spy watch ini dapat merekam suara (audio recording) dan fungsi webcam.
jam tangan kamera
Jam tangan kamera tipe SWLT
spy watch
Jam kamera Waterproof type SWWP
Memori internal sebesar 4Gb. Hasil video beresolusi 640×480 yang tersimpan dalam format avi dan kecepatan rekam mencapai 30 +-1. Dengan spesifikasi seperti itu hasil rekaman video tidak patah-patah dan cukup detil. Sedangkan untuk mode foto resolusinya sudah 1600 x 1200 pixel.
Dilengkapi dengan baterai yang memungkinkan untuk merekam selama kurang lebih 1 jam. Jika baterai habis tinggal dicharge ulang. Sedangkan koneksi USB 2.0-nya memudahkan Anda untuk memindahkan file hasil rekaman tersebut ke laptop atau komputer.
jam tangan kamera
Jam tangan kamera tipe SWBD
jam tangan kamera
Jam tangan kamera tipe SWMT
Spy watch ini benar-benar tersembunyi dan tidak mencurigakan, karena pada saat merekam video tidak ada lampu indikator yang menyala. Anda bisa menggunakannya saat rapat penting. Rekam suara atau bahkan merekam videonya. Jadi tidak perlu repot menulis di buku agenda Anda. Selain itu hasil rekamannya bisa diputar kembali dan disimpan dalam bentuk file.
Atau bisa juga ketika klien Anda ingin melakukan netmeeting sedangkan saat itu laptop/PC tidak mempunyai webcam, jam tangan ini bisa digunakan. Tinggal install softwarenya lalu nyalakan, gadget ini sudah berubah fungsi menjadi webcam.
Anda juga bisa menggunakan gedget ini untuk mengawasi kegiatan karyawan tanpa perlu kontak langsung dengan mereka. Anda bisa merekam video atau mengambil foto-nya tanpa mereka sadari. Pas sekali jika digunakan untuk membuktikan adanya indikasi kecurangan yang terjadi di sekitar Anda.
Jam tangan kamera ini terbuat dari bahan berkualitas. Ada beberapa model terbaru yang bisa membuat penampilan lebih bergaya dan up-to-date. Mau yang talinya full metal atau leather sama canggihnya.
Harga jam tangan kamera Rp 950.000,- (semua model)

Garansi 3 bulan
Baru datang, model baru..
kamera jam
model SWGL
kamera jam tangan
model SWQT

HP just blew up Android tablet pricing (with a printer)

Hewlett-Packard may have a very disruptive Android tablet on its hands courtesy of its eStation printer of all things.
Officially, HP isn’t in the Android tablet market. Unofficially, HP is going to be a real pain to Dell and its Streak and potentially Samsung’s Galaxy Tab.
I got to spend a few minutes with HP’s eStation printer—actually it’s the 7-inch print console that detaches and doubles as a tablet. A few key nuggets:
  • HP’s eStation console runs on Android 2.1 and will be upgraded to 2.2. That fact makes the whole WebOS equation even more curious. Why did HP buy Palm exactly?
  • HP’s stealth Android tablet gets battery life of 4 to 6 hours.
  • This “tablet” is connected to the Barnes & Noble e-book store.
  • The printer/tablet will be available by the holidays.
  • Yahoo has skinned the console for the most part. Gmail accessible via browser, but the Yahoo integration simplifies things a good bit.
Now there are a few limitations. For starters, HP’s tablet/console isn’t connected to the Android market, but any good geek can get around that one. And a print button is prominent everywhere. Meanwhile, the HP tablet is a bit clunky in the rear and seems slightly beefy.
Related: HP big printer plan targets living room, detachable tablets
But all of that said HP’s Android tablet is good enough (assuming HP works out a few responsiveness issues). And since it rides along with a $399 printer it may be pretty damaging to rivals. Why?
  • HP’s tablet is Wi-Fi only, just what some folks want. Samsung’s tablet is tethered to the carriers and the data plans for now.
  • HP is subsidizing its tablet to sell a printer (and the ink that goes with it). It’s quite genius. HP doesn’t have to negotiate carriers subsidies because ink profits can cut the tablet pricing.
  • The tablet console is probably about $250 or so if you assume the actual printer part is $150.
  • In any case, HP’s Android tablet works and a bundle with a printer may just move a few of these devices. The device itself had a few hitches—it was a prototype—but you could see your kid playing with it. In fact, you’ll have to hunt them down just like you would for the remote.

HP just blew up Android tablet pricing (with a printer)

Hewlett-Packard may have a very disruptive Android tablet on its hands courtesy of its eStation printer of all things.
Officially, HP isn’t in the Android tablet market. Unofficially, HP is going to be a real pain to Dell and its Streak and potentially Samsung’s Galaxy Tab.
I got to spend a few minutes with HP’s eStation printer—actually it’s the 7-inch print console that detaches and doubles as a tablet. A few key nuggets:
  • HP’s eStation console runs on Android 2.1 and will be upgraded to 2.2. That fact makes the whole WebOS equation even more curious. Why did HP buy Palm exactly?
  • HP’s stealth Android tablet gets battery life of 4 to 6 hours.
  • This “tablet” is connected to the Barnes & Noble e-book store.
  • The printer/tablet will be available by the holidays.
  • Yahoo has skinned the console for the most part. Gmail accessible via browser, but the Yahoo integration simplifies things a good bit.
Now there are a few limitations. For starters, HP’s tablet/console isn’t connected to the Android market, but any good geek can get around that one. And a print button is prominent everywhere. Meanwhile, the HP tablet is a bit clunky in the rear and seems slightly beefy.
Related: HP big printer plan targets living room, detachable tablets
But all of that said HP’s Android tablet is good enough (assuming HP works out a few responsiveness issues). And since it rides along with a $399 printer it may be pretty damaging to rivals. Why?
  • HP’s tablet is Wi-Fi only, just what some folks want. Samsung’s tablet is tethered to the carriers and the data plans for now.
  • HP is subsidizing its tablet to sell a printer (and the ink that goes with it). It’s quite genius. HP doesn’t have to negotiate carriers subsidies because ink profits can cut the tablet pricing.
  • The tablet console is probably about $250 or so if you assume the actual printer part is $150.
  • In any case, HP’s Android tablet works and a bundle with a printer may just move a few of these devices. The device itself had a few hitches—it was a prototype—but you could see your kid playing with it. In fact, you’ll have to hunt them down just like you would for the remote.

Rabu, 24 November 2010


Hand Lights

Posted on November 10, 2010 at 10:03 AM Comments comments (0)

There are tons of head mounted lights to light your work, but they only put light where you point your head. And when your view point and your lighting are close together everything appears flat with little or no shadow. Enter the Hand Lights, a pretty simple and cheap DIY project that puts adjustable lights on your forearms to light whatever is in your hands. They have the advantage over head mounted lights because they always put the light where you're working. They also provide better light since it comes from multiple directions (if you wear two) to provide both more illumination and a better sense of depth. I use these all the time, everything from sculpting and crafting projects (the light on my sewing machine is dismal, these help make up for it) to provide extra lights while soldering, cleaning out the attic, working on the car, and late night reading. Adding a binder clip and a magnet they can be stuck just about anywhere.

Source: Cool Tools

Portable Restrooms for Weddings and Events

Posted on November 8, 2010 at 4:48 AM Comments comments (0)

Christine Sweeney began Atlanta Watercloset in April 2010. Christine's former corporate sales career, coupled with an enthusiasm for all things clean and fresh, inspired her to consider starting abusiness that most women (or men for that matter) wouldn't consider. She feels her attention to detail, professional follow up and passion for making a difference to her clients will set Atlanta Watercloset apart from the competition. No detail is too small for us. When planning an outdoor event in metro Atlanta you can count on Atlanta Watercloset to provide exceptionally clean portable restrooms and all the little extras that will wow your guests, clients and friends. Their fresh and clean luxury portable restrooms feature flush toilets, fresh water hand wash sink, interior lights, mirror, coat hook, shelf, brand name toilet paper and much more.

Device for Seatbelt Comfort

Posted on November 6, 2010 at 8:33 AM Comments comments (0)

Let’s face it…Seatbelts are an uncomfortable necessity for driving safely. Now there’s a solution! A new device is being launched to specifically address a woman’s comfort with a seatbelt. Most women are uncomfortable with the shoulder strap of a seatbelt and most will fuss with it or not wear it at all, risking a ticket or worse. “Drive‘n Comfort, is an innovative 2-part product designed for a woman to drive comfortably, as well as safely” says Suzanne Benoit, inventor of the device “its ease of use and effective relief has been a hit with our demographic.”

Billiard and Dining Table

Posted on November 4, 2010 at 6:20 AM Comments comments (0)

The folks at Koraltürk Bilardo furniture have figured out an elegant way around the whole billiard table/space equation. Their billiard tables transform into dining tables – which is an excellent idea, because most dining rooms are proportioned beautifully for a good-sized pool table. So now you can have one, without needing a whole extra room. If you want one, you are probably going to have to pay through the nose for shipping – these things come from Turkey.

Source: Uber Review

Store Sells Nothing but Soda

Posted on October 14, 2010 at 5:17 AM Comments comments (1)

Why Galco's Soda Pop Stop? Because before there were shops, there were Stops! The business began as a small Italian grocery store in Los Angeles, California. It has been family owned and operated for over one-hundred years. Although the focus of the store has changed to soda pop and beer from around the world. They still maintain their Italian deli in the back of their retail store. They originally became known for their "Blockbuster" sandwiches which are made fresh daily.

The passion for soda began when John F. Nese was a child. His father's best friend owned a soda pop bottling plant where John loved to visit in the 1950's. At that time, he also spent his summers at Happy Camp. It was here that he would dream of how he could hook the natural, bubbling spring water, add syrup and siphon it to his elementary school's drinking fountains. In 1995 John began increasing his assortment of sodas not only out of love, but also as a protest to some of the larger soda companies that were not offering him the same prices as his larger competitors. He figured why not support other small businesses such as his own?

It took a few years, but the idea finally caught on! People started journeying from far away places to get a look at the store with over 400 sodas. They were honored toappear on various media appearances. John's love of history and trivia extends to his sodas. People who visit the retail store are impressed with his ability to share an interesting fact about any soda of interest.

Watch Out Warning Triangle

Posted on October 12, 2010 at 5:02 PM Comments comments (0)

Do you want to be forewarned about a broken-down car with a holographic “Watch Out – Warning Triangle” beaming at you from a distance, when driving? Or do you think it will be a distraction and a hazard? The idea from Chun-Chieh Chang & Wan-Hua Tsai is simple….holographic red triangle projected from a distance, warning you of a stalled car ahead in the lane. Some may argue it being an eeriePotter-esque sign on the freeway; others may call it helpful. Watch Out – Warning Triangle won an If Concept Design this year.

Source: Yanko Design

Recycled Bread Tag Monsters

Posted on October 10, 2010 at 12:08 PM Comments comments (0)

Eeeee! Amanda has been saving bread tags (those little plastic clips that keep your bread bag closed) for months just waiting for Halloween to get close. She has had this craft idea for these little monsters in her head for a while and finally got the chance to make them today. You could probably make them in much simpler fashion, but she loves adding little details, embellishing, etc. You can follow the link below, how she made these recycled bread tag monsters if you are interested smile. This can be implemented by big bread companies or you can sell your design to them or can be use as an advertisement.

Source: Crafts by Amanda

Card Rewards

Posted on October 8, 2010 at 9:01 AM Comments comments (0)

Oregon-based Supportland is using incentives to reward them for choosing local businesses when they buy products and services of any kind. Supportland has developed a rewards card that works at any of the company's network of some 50 locally owned Portland-area businesses. Using the free card, consumers are rewarded with points every time they make a purchase at one of those business. Those points, in turn, can be used toward the purchase of specific products or services at any participating businesses. Locally owned Poppy Massage, for instance, offers a one-hour massage for every 500 points earned at any business or businesses in the Supportland network.

Following its official Portland launch in January, Supportland hopes to expand across the US, with points transferable among regions — the entire infrastructure has been packaged, in fact, so that it can be completely re-branded wherever it’s implemented, the company says. An iPhone app, meanwhile, is also in the works. One to partner with, emulate or otherwise get involved in? This concept can be implemented for a country purpose, encouraging consumers to buy national products, rather than international chains.

Source: Springwise

Board Game Cafe

Posted on October 6, 2010 at 4:52 AM Comments comments (0)

It's not uncommon to see board games on display at restaurants and cafes, but they're typically used to prop up laptops at least as often as to provide hands-on entertainment. Aiming to re-create the offline interaction of days gone by, Toronto's Snakes & Lattes serves up not just coffee but also 1,500 board games available for the playing.

Billed as “the first board game cafe in Toronto,” Snakes & Lattes dispenses with the free wifi; rather, it encourages its patrons to play games instead. For CAD 5 perperson per visit, visitors can choose from the cafe's diverse collection, which includes staples like Monopoly as well as lesser-known offerings including Jumanji and Fireball Island, they are taking the concept even further, the shop's baristas serve as strategic advisors as well, dispensing instructions and tips for play along with the frothy beverages. Coming soon, reportedly, are themed nights, youth-focused initiatives and a rental system to let customers play the games at home. Given the ubiquity of wifi-enabled coffee houses around the world, unplugging and focusing instead on low-tech games is an interesting premise that could win the loyalty of legions of mass-mingling consumers.

Source: Springwise

Super Size Bikes

Posted on October 4, 2010 at 6:46 PM Comments comments (0)

As a super-sized person who decided to get exercising again, Joan wanted a nice, sturdy bike that she felt comfortable on and that she knew could easily support her weight. Imagine her frustration when, no matter what she typed in the search engines or to whom she talked or emailed, she could not find even one bike that was built for her. The people who really understand bikes told her that, in fact, it was very risky to ride a bike that was not built strong enough for her weight. Even bikes that were built for big riders only went up to only 225 pounds. The more she searched for her own bicycle, the more convinced she became that there is no way that she is the only fat person looking for a solid bicycle or adult tricycle. Biking is a great exercise--and it's easy! Of course big people would cycle if they could buy a bike that's built for them, without having to be sized up by some mega-fit sales clerks who sell equipment made for skinny people.

This search for a bike for her--call her large, fat, super-sized, obese, plus-sized, huge, queen size, whatever!--is what made her decide that not only would she find a great bike for herself, she'd create a store where anyone, no matter how heavy, could come and find a welcoming, size-friendly environment. She decided that not having a positive word to describe a person of size was ridiculous, so she invented "Zize, Size with Attitude!" So when your weigh more than 200 pounds, then you need a supersized cycle.

Charitable Bandages

Posted on September 18, 2010 at 12:03 PM Comments comments (0)

For all you super fashion-conscious individuals out there, I would like to bring your attention to the limited-edition Cynthia Rowley Band-Aids collection. Don’t let your next boo-boo get the best of your style sense; instead, let it become one with your banging outfit. Using glitter, sequins, chains and more, the Cynthia Rowley Band-Aids will surely steal the limelight from your other fabulous fashion items. The 20 assorted bandages come in a great tin can for only $10, one dollar of which goes to Design Ignites Change.

Source: Trend Hunter

The Talkatoo

Posted on September 16, 2010 at 6:04 AM Comments comments (0)

Parents have been doing it for years. Sometimes it is a secret, heart-shaped squeeze of mustard inside a sandwich. Other times it is a small note of encouragement tucked inside a backpack or jacket pocket. Kids have their tough days at school and parents have just as tough a time wondering how their kids will cope with their time away at school. It is only natural to worry.  After all, it is a parent’s job to protect and comfort the kids. While you can’t go along with your children to school, you can give them a bit of extra reassurance to take along with them.

The Talkatoo was created by a mom who was going through this same struggle with her two young kids.  She wanted them to have a little more encouragement than the basics and came up with an idea.  The Talkatoo device stores a 30 second voice message that the child can then play whenever he/she needs a little comfort from home. It can be recorded over again and again to keep messages up to date. TheTalkatoo comes in fun colors and designs and is only about the size of a watch face. It can be clipped to backpacks or worn as a necklace.  I think that kids in their first couple years of school could really benefit from this extra consolation, but even the older kids may like to tuck one of these away in a dark corner of their backpack for those really rough days.

Source: Inventor Spot

Entrepreneur Sells Two Board Games for $24m

Posted on September 14, 2010 at 11:40 AM Comments comments (0)

Entrepreneur Shane Yeend has sold two of the first board games he developed for $24 million. "Factor Crap'' and "Battle of the Sexes" - which was Australia's biggest board game and the sixth-largest board game in the US at one point - have been sold to Canadian toy company Spinmaster in a deal that involves earn-out clauses covering the next 18 years. "It is a lot of money for a cardboard box," Mr Yeend said. "It was the first thing that got us into the games business. So many people spend their lives trying to take games around the world - we are getting three or four out of 10, so it's a good average." Mr Yeend said he was budgeting for 10 per cent growth in the games business over the next 12 months but his company, Imagination, is also battling the past. Mr Yeend was named Australian Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007 and has also won export awards based on the success of the Adelaide company.

Source: News

Fruit Flowers

Posted on September 8, 2010 at 5:41 PM Comments comments (1)

While some people might still use flowers to convey their emotions, imagine how much you could say with an edible bouquet? There is a new trend forming among people who like to show they care in a unique way and a franchise that is jumping in to help fill that need, FruitFlowers. FruitFlowers was launched in 1984 by Susan Ellman and Ellen Davis. Surprised by how quickly people seemed to take to their new business it soon grew. Originally the fruit bouquet was created to be a fun addition to a party but it soon became their livelihood. Now their creations can be found pretty much anywhere, in hospitals and even the office.

Source: Business Opportunities Weblog

Car Lashes

Posted on September 6, 2010 at 10:25 AM Comments comments (0)

Many people anthropomorphize their cars. If your car is “female,” how do you make it obvious to everyone on the street? Car Lashes, of course! Carlashes eyelashes and crystal eyeliner are the newest hot products for your car. The trademark Carlashes is a new automotive after market brand created to allow cars to be personalized with a feminine touch. Carlashes are sold by Turbo Style Products, a new company formed in January 2010 and based in Park City, Utah. Turbo Styles mission is to be the leading supplier of female automotive after market products.